Help with the search

How do I search in WieWasWie?
WieWasWie provides 'simple search' and 'advanced search'. With 'simple search' you just type a last name with or without the first name in the search field and press enter. WieWasWie will present all the results with that name below each other. You don't need Premium access for this.

If you don't have Premium access or if you are not logged into WieWasWie and choose for 'advanced search', you can search with multiple search criteria. Also the results of these queries will be presented below each other.

If you do have Premium access AND are logged into WieWasWie and choose for 'advanced search', you can even search with more search options. You can use a switch in every search field to make WieWasWie search with the 'exact' data or make WieWasWie search with the data in the beginning of the search field. You also have the ability to search with two person names in one search query to make you find the right certificates very efficient.

Why can't I search on two person names?
The search on two person names is part of the Premium functionality of WieWasWie. This means you need a subscription AND you must be logged into WieWasWie (in the upper right corner). You can check your subscription in the dashboard of your account settings.

How can I sort the results?
WieWasWie primarily provides the search results in order of the last names, but you can sort the results yourself on other columns. You can sort by clicking on the label of the specific columns. When you click again on the label of a sorted column, the sorting will be reversed.

Why can't I find recent certificates?
Civil registration (Dutch = Burgerlijke Stand) certificates are only allowed for publication after a certain period of time. Death certificates after 50 years, marriages after 75 years and births after 100 years. Some institutions open their civil registration archives only in blocks of 5 or 10 years. For relative recent data, let's say 100 years, you might want to take a look at other sources, like the personal record cards and -lists. Also family announcements in the CBG collection might be a good help for your recent search.