Help with the content

What data is available in WieWasWie?
Because we're updating the database continuously, we don't provide a fixed content index. If you need to know which data is available in a certain city or period, you can easily use the regular search function.

How can I monitor new data regarding my family?
If you have a free registration or a Premium subscription AND you're logged into WieWasWie, you can mark certificates as favorite. When you expand a search result, you can click the button 'Add to favorites' on the right side. You can find your saved favorites in your account settings. When you want to receive email notifications when there is new information at one of your favorites, you need to tick the checkboxes in your account settings. If you want to delete one of your favorites, you can delete this favorite in your account settings or press the button 'Remove from favorites' in an expanded search result.

Why are ages unavailable at death certificates or marriages?
Ages might be unavailable because these aren't supplied with the data by the participating institutions. The reason can be that these ages haven't been indexed.

Why are some places unavailable?
The reasons might be that these places haven't been indexed or the data were not supplied in the right (extended) format.

How can I report errors?
Thank you very much for your effort. Since WieWasWie is a central website/database for many archives we don't inspect and correct the errors ourselves. The individual archiving institutes take care of that process in the source data. WieWasWie sends the errors to these institutes and on a frequent base we harvest the corrected data, so at the end it will be corrected in WieWasWie as well.
On the expanded part of the search result you can click the button 'Error message' on the right side to inform the corresponding archiving institute. However, you must be logged in to have this option available. A free registration is enough to have this possibility.