Announcement: The Royal Collections of the Netherlands

Did one of year ancestors work in the Royal Household? As of today you can find the answer on that question in WieWasWie.

The information is derived from the staff registers of the Royal Household which were kept from 1814 until 1940. The Royal Collections of the Netherlands can be seen as the accumulation of objects and sources of information that members of the houses of Nassau and Orange-Nassau, and people around them, have gathered and kept over many centuries. These include archives, library works, photographs and a varied art collection. For more information please see the website Archives dating from before 1934 are open for study for academic research purposes and are listed in the overview of archives.

Online search
Through WieWasWie you can easily find the registers of the Royal Household. Search on first name, last name or period and refine the results on the organization name Koninklijke Verzamelingen. Also the scans are available in the search results.